Importance of hydration
By Julie Roy

Drink more water you say?! But I'm not thirsty...
I can not stress this enough, drink more water!!! Your body literally depends on water to survive. You should be drinking a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Make it a goal of yours! This will increase your overall health, especially if you are a soda or coffee drinker.
Some tips to help you stay hydrated:
- Keep a bottle of water with you during the day. Your OWN bottle, don't pollute the earth more by buying plastic bottles everyday. Having the water with you will entice you more to drink it!
- If you start getting bored of just plain old water, add a little bit of lemon juice to it!
- Be sure to drink before, during and after your workouts. Your muscles need that water to stay healthy! The last thing you want during a good yoga session is a cramping up session.
- When you are feeling hungry, drink some water. Thirst is often confused with hunger. But keep in mind, if you drink the water and are still hungry, eat some food!